Naxos - Adina Aaron, Christòpheren Nomura, John Churchwell, Scott Martin "After the City Wept: No. 3, Rachel Dances"
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Stefania de Kenessey

Adina Aaron, Christòpheren Nomura, John Churchwell, Scott Martin "After the City Wept: No. 3, Rachel Dances"
After the City Wept: No. 3, Rachel Dances
  • Performed By: Adina Aaron, Christòpheren Nomura, John Churchwell, Scott Martin
  • Album: Stefania de Kenessey: Gotham Siren
  • Label: North / South Recordings
  • Catalog: NSR1061
  • ISRC: US3ES1300017
  • Released: 01/13/15
  • Vocals: No
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